Lindsay McCormick

Birthday: May 10





Favorite color: Blue/Green
Team: Giants & 49ers
Coffee drink: Latte
Salty snack: Kettle Chips
Healthy snack: Trail Mix
Homemade: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Take Out Restaurant: Shake Shack
Sit Down: Montesacro in WC
Lafayette Favorites: Locando Positano
Teacher Supply Store or other Favorite Stores: Amazon for books for my students!
Nail Salon: Pandora Nail Spa
Hobbies: Reading, Gardening, Hiking, Taking care of the indoor plants in my classroom and home
Favorite Place for a $5 gift card: Philz
$20 gift card: Orchard Nursery
$100 gift card: Nordstrom
What can parents do to help you the most? If they have lightly used books that their children are done with, please donate them to me and I will either redistribute them to Reading Lab students or donate them to the East Bay Children's Book Project.