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*Calendar will be approved at August PTA meeting

General PTA Membership Meetings:
General meetings subject to change. Please verify on the calendar to confirm the date and time. 

*August 29 | 6:15 pm | School Library | Final 2024-25 Budget & Calendar Approval

*September 26 | 6:30 pm | School Library

October 24 | 8:45 am | via Zoom

*January 23 | 8:45 am | Room 23 | 2025-26 Nominating Committee Approval

February 27 | 8:45 | In Library & Zoom | Executive Board Nominations Presented

*March 20 |  8:45 am | School Library & zoom | 2025-26 Executive Board Elections & Approval

*April 24 | 7pm | via Zoom | 2025-26 Proposed Budget & Calendar Approval

 * Denotes Board Member Mandatory meetings to approve items

Executive Board Meetings:

August 20 | 8:45am | School Library

September 3 | 8:45am | School Library

October 1 | 8:45 am | School Library

November 5 | 8:45am | via Zoom

December 3 | 8:45am | School Library

January 7 | 8:45am | School Library

February 4 | 8:45am | via Zoom

March 4 | 8:45am | via Zoom

April 8 | 8:45 am | School Library

May 6 | 7pm | Location TBD



Last Updated: February 2025





Our PTA Executive Board is made up of hard-working parents who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below were elected to provide leadership this year.


Interested in board positions? Contact us!




Co-Presidents:  Amy Truong & Gabe Westmaas  |  president@lafayettepta.info



Executive Vice President:  OPEN  |  vp@lafayettepta.info



VP Volunteers:  Jenny McCarthy Redman  |  volunteers@lafayettepta.info



Treasurer:  Yuki Jenkins  |  treasurer@lafayettepta.info



VP Legislation: Briannon McCurdy  |   legislation@lafayettepta.info



Recording Secretary:  Morgan Bernstein  |  secretary@lafayettepta.info



VP Environment:  Jenean Smith  |  environment@lafayettepta.info



Financial Secretary:  Matt Dickman  |  assistanttreasurer@lafayettepta.info



Financial Review:  Sam Patath  |  auditor@lafayettepta.info



Historian:  Christina Lhi  |  historian@lafayettepta.info



Communications:  Ria Di Costanzo  |  communications@lafayettepta.info



Parliamentarian:  Andi Brown  |  parliamentarian@lafayettepta.info




Those listed below have been nominated to serve for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. Voting takes place at the March 2025 General PTA meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!



Presidents:  Ria Di Costanzo



Executive Vice President:  Betsy Hoover



VP Volunteers:  Jenny McCarthy Redman



Treasurer:  Kirti Chitnis



VP Legislation: Christina Lhi



Recording Secretary:  Sam Patath



VP Environment:  Liz Biebl & Mike Riley



Financial Secretary:  Matt Dickman



Financial Review:  Mini Sanyal



Historian:  Morgan Bernstein



Communications:  Gina Figone



Parliamentarian:  Amy Truong & Gabe Westmaas



Last Updated: February 2025




Advocacy Week

Briannon McCurdy

Art Volunteer Coordinator

Sarah Endemann

Roll, Bike & Walk to School

Beth Bittle

Book Fair

Monica Segobia

Book Swap

Jenean Smith & Trish Emerson

Community Service

Sarah Tsai Chao & OPEN Co-CHAIR

Count Me In Parties


Cultural Fair


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Evening on the Green

Anna Brill & OPEN Co-CHAIR

Frozen Friday

Kara Cox & Meghan Dickman



Health Screening

Kristen Gabbard

Lemonade Day & New Family Tour


Leopard Spirit Wear

Alisha Roeder

Leopard Day

Briannon McCurdy 


Hilary Benham Baker, Sam Patath & Mackenzie Kaplan

Lost & Found 

Adrienne Gilbertson

LPIE Art Fair

Elizabeth Harvey & Courtney Wade

LPIE Gala Rep


LPIE Science Fair

Sandy Chandler &  Sandra Wai

New Family Chair


No Place for Hate

Brooke Peterson & OPEN 5th Grade Chair

Odyssey of the Mind

Andi Brown

Parent Socials

Tamara Sosine

Parent Party (Sept)

Tamara Sosine & Briannon McCurdy

PTA Reflections

Danielle Piol

Reservoir Run

Ria Di Costanzo

Room Parent Coordinator

Andi Brown

Run Club

Morgan & Matt Bernstein

School Pictures

Danielle De Torres

School Play Coordinator

Monica Segobia

Teacher /Staff Appreciation

Amy Coombe 

TK/K Summer Playdates

Amy Truong & Gabe Westmaas

Winter Toy Drive

Brooke Peterson

Walk A Thon

Morgan Bernstein & Vola Grilli

Welcome Back Coffee

Amy Truong & Gabe Westmaas


Amy Coombe, Jojo Heinke 


Monica Segobia & Jojo Heinke


Are the OPEN chairs stressing you out? Us too!! Please let us know you're interested by filling out our Volunteer Interest Form and selecting 'Yes' to open chair positions. Must be logged in to view form.


Our 2024-25 Volunteer Coordinator is Jenny McCarthy Redman: volunteers@lafayettepta.info





Last Updated: July 2024




Chartered in 1920, the Lafayette Elementary School Parent Teacher Association is the oldest PTA in the Las Trampas Creek Council. Our PTA has a strong history of providing activities and events that enrich the growing and learning experience for each and every child enrolled at Lafayette School.
Our PTA proudly stands on three pillars: Advocate, Communicate, Celebrate. We support our teachers and staff, we help communicate important information to our families, we advocate for our schools on a national, state and local level and we build our community by sponsoring programs such as Westival Fall Festival and Book Fair, International Variety Night,  Breakfast and Books, Walk-a-Thon, Earth Week, 4th & 5th Grade School Play, and much more.
LPIE ensure our kid's education and enrichment needs are met and provides funds for staff development, information programs, library books, our PE specialist, classroom and school supplies and mathematics and writing intervention specialists.
We encourage you to donate the student one ask amount to LPIE to complete this mission and support the PTA by purchasing a membership/directory, participating at our events and volunteering where it makes sense for your time and abilities. 
Our PTA is completely run by volunteers, giving their time, money and expertise in order to further support goals set by our school and district. These volunteer opportunities are both great and small, and we urge you to get involved, have fun, and support our kids by supporting LPIE and the PTA!